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IELTS Essay on Celebrities’ Income with Full Essay

IELTS Essay on Celebrities’ Income with Full Essay


In some countries, celebrities earn higher salaries than senior politicians. What are the reasons? Is it a negative or positive development?

Full essay

In few nations, senior political leaders are making a lesser amount of money than celebrities. I am of the firm opinion that this is very bad for the society and it is going to do more harm than benefit. The following paragraphs will discuss the main cause for this.

One of the main causes for the stark difference in earnings is that celebrities are more popular than politicians. For instance, whenever I switch on my television there are more chances of me seeing a celebrity on a channel than a politician. A consequence of this is that advertising agencies approach celebrities more which results in them making fortunes. In contrast, politicians do none or very few advertisements. A major reason for this is that politicians are generally not allowed to do advertisements by the law.

Another factor that contributes to the lesser earning of political representatives is their personal goals. Normally, politicians work for the socio-economic development of the society rather than their own personal gain. For example, from time to time politicians have used their own personal funds for the development of the country. The polar opposite to that is the celebrities whose main aim may be to earn a lot of money.

Overall, the personal goal and the law of the country results in politicians making less income than celebrities. I remain of the opinion that this is regression for the society because if only the politicians earned more money than the celebrities this would have influenced the youth to do social work and join politics.

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