IELTS Writing Task 1 Graph on Age of Students + Analysis

IELTS Writing Task 1 as a graph on the age of students in 4 different countries from 1961 to 2011 with full essay and assessment submitted to us by one of our students.

Video of age of students IELTS graph

Write a report on the age of students

The graph above displays the proportion of university students in the 18-40 age bracket in 4 different countries from 1961 to 2011.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Source of visual data: Makkar IELTS

IELTS Writing Task 1 on the age of students

The graph shows the proportion of university students in the 18-40 age bracket in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand from 1961 to 2011.

I can see all 4 of the different countries are becoming better than before so they improved in the year 1991.

The most proportion has Thailand with more than 40 age bracket and the less proportion had Malaysia with 10 age bracket. Singapore has the second highest proportion with 40 age bracket and Philippines the penultimate proportion with approximately 20 age bracket.

Analysis and scoring

  • Analysis
  • Cohesion and coherence: Good
  • Grammatical range and accuracy: Good
  • Lexical resources: Fair
  • Task achievement: Below average
  • Spelling: Great
  • Punctuation: Good
  • Word Count: “85 Words” – Too short!
  • Time on Report Writing: “20 Minutes” – Great
  • Band score: 4.5 of 9

About the Author

Robina Und Rozita

روبینا و روزیتا در کلاس دهم و یوسف در کلاس پنجم تحصیل میکنند. آنها در ایالت تورینگن آلمان زندگی میکنند. روبینا به معماری و مهندسی علاقه مند است و روزیتا استعداد خوبی در ارتباطات و تعاملات اجتماعی دارد. یوسف علاقه مند فوتبال است. هر سه آنها در ریاضی و آلمانی عالی هستند

Number of Posts: 10

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2 thoughts on “IELTS Writing Task 1 Graph on Age of Students + Analysis”

  1. Your report on the graph was cut and pasted in the body of this post to avoid duplicate content. Please refer to the body of this post to access the report.

    • Thank you so much for writing a report on this graph on the age of students.
      1. In complete sentences, we should write: the Philippines, because it is the combination of various islands.
      2. The most proportion has Thailand = Thailand had the highest / greatest / largest proportion of …
      3. the less proportion had Malaysia = Malaysia had the lowest / smallest proportion …
      4. You have given a fairly good overview of the graph in your introduction.
      5. In your second paragraph, you’ve made a judgment on some improvement. Yet, we’re just observing an increase in the rate of older students registering for university education. This phenomenon is not necessarily an improvement.

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