IELTS Listening Practice Emotional Intelligence

IELTS Listening Practice Emotional Intelligence

IELTS Listening Practice Emotional Intelligence

About this activity

  • This activity is labeled round table by Dr. Hariri, the creator and administrator of LELB Society.
  • This activity is on the premise of Flipped Learning, according to which the students watch a video before the class, carry out research into the selected theme, and prepare themselves for an informed discussion in the class.
  • This activity is on the basis of both synchronous and asynchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC), according to which the students are also encouraged to be active even before the class.
  • In this flipped classroom activity, the students are encouraged to utilize the comment form at the bottom of the post to to exchange their questions, findings, and experiences with each other. Later on, we will discuss the asynchronous activities in the class. In a few words, “let’s learn from each other.”

About the Video Files

  • The video files are meticulously selected among the most prominent academicians, lecturers, and scientists based on Google Scholar.
  • We might refer to the exact elapsed time ⌛️ of the video files to pinpoint specific statements, messages, etc.

Writing Activity

  • You should adopt a formal register in your written contributions in the comment form.
  • To give an answer to a question or comment, use the Reply button.
  • In our written activities, we can practice negotiation of meaning (sharing our findings with regard to the selected themes) and negotiation of form (performing peer-reviewed error correction).
  • Put a number before your questions in the comment form successively to refer to them more easily in the class.
  • Your questions should be unique and not previously raised by your classmates in the comment form.


  • You should take equal turns in speaking. The maximum amount of time you can have is 60 seconds.
  • This is a fully organized activity; consequently, all your contributions, including comments, replies, and verbal opinions, must be with direct reference to the assigned topic and its corresponding video. Any irrelevant contribution is strongly frowned upon.
  • You will be stopped if your speech appears to be irrelevant or not supported by evidence.
  • Students leaving comments below will be given priority over others in our informed conversations.

Instructions for the IELTS Listening Part

In this part of your exam, you will be given some instructions as the following:

  1. Do not open your question paper until you are told to do so.
  2. Write your name and your candidate number on the specified space on top of this page.
  3. Listen closely to the instructions for each part of the paper.
  4. Write your answers to the questions on the questions paper while you are listening.
  5. At the end of the test, you will have an extra 10 minutes to transfer your answers to a separate answer sheet. Use a pencil to copy the answers.

Section 1

In this section, you will listen to a conversation between two speakers on an everyday and comment topic, such as organizing events, arranging a trip, talking about the weather, etc. You are supposed to listen closely to get specific factual information.

Section 2

This is a monologue on a general topic, such as public events. Again, you are supposed to listen closely to acquire specific factual information.

Section 3

In this section, you will listen to a discussion between 2 or 4 speakers on an academic topic, such as assignments, taking courses, attending seminars, etc. While focusing on specific factual information, you should also pay attention to the speakers’ attitudes and opinions.

Section 4

In this section, you will listen to a lecture (monologue) on an academic topic. You should focus on specific factual information as well as the main ideas. Also you should pay attention to the speaker’s attitudes and opinions.
You will have around 30 seconds before the test starts to see what kinds of information will be required (for instance, names, dates, times, money, etc.)

Topic: Emotional Intelligence

English presentation on emotional intelligence with reading

The pillars of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Self-awareness involves recognizing and understanding your own emotions. Self-regulation means managing those emotions effectively. Motivation is the drive to achieve goals and maintain a positive attitude. Empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others. Social skills refer to the ability to build and maintain healthy relationships and communicate effectively. Together, these pillars form the foundation for navigating emotions and social interactions successfully.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4145

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27 thoughts on “IELTS Listening Practice Emotional Intelligence”

    • The prefrontal lobe, located at the front of the brain, is crucial for higher-level cognitive functions. It plays a key role in decision-making, problem-solving, and planning. It also regulates social behavior, personality expression, and moderates emotional responses. Essentially, the prefrontal lobe helps us navigate complex social interactions, anticipate consequences of our actions, and control impulses, making it integral to our everyday functioning and self-control.

    • Corrections:
      If you want to place emphasis on “help”, the sentence is grammatically correct. However, the sentence should simply read: What things help / can help us … In other words, you don’t need any modal auxiliary verb here unless you want to emphasize something. For more information, refer to my reply to Question 3.
      Emotion should be pluralized here to refer to a variety of emotions.

    • Yes, emotional intelligence can manifest differently across various cultures and environments. Cultural norms and values influence how emotions are expressed, understood, and managed. For instance, in some cultures, openly expressing emotions may be encouraged, while in others, it might be seen as inappropriate. Similarly, the importance of certain emotional skills, like empathy or self-regulation, may vary depending on social expectations and cultural contexts. Understanding these differences is key to effectively navigating cross-cultural interactions and developing global emotional intelligence.

    • Women in leadership roles do not contradict the belief that men and women have different aspects of emotional intelligence. Rather, it showcases how both genders can effectively harness and apply their unique emotional intelligence strengths in leadership. While research suggests that men and women may excel in different areas of emotional intelligence—such as women often being more empathetic and men potentially having different approaches to managing emotions—effective leadership requires a combination of these skills.

    • Yes, emotional intelligence can develop and improve over time through self-awareness, practice, and experience. Engaging in activities that challenge your emotional skills, seeking feedback, and reflecting on your interactions can all contribute to enhancing your emotional intelligence. Just like any other skill, with consistent effort and a willingness to learn, you can grow and refine your ability to understand and manage emotions effectively.

      • hi
        excuse me
        this sentence is simple present and is not present perfect so i thick helping verb should be dose no has because has is main verb
        and also appearance question is simple present so we should use dose and no has

        • ✅ Thank you for raising this question and looking at this grammatical point critically.
          This interrogative sentence starts with a WH-question element, which is “which country” here, and “country” plays the role of the “subject” and not the “object” of the sentence. For this reason, you should not use any modal auxiliary verb. Consider the following examples:
          Which country does your passport include? (country as the object of the sentence, so you should use a modal auxiliary verb – the principal verb is “have”)
          Which country has the highest level of EQ? (country as the subject of the sentence. So, no modal auxiliary is needed – the principal verb is “have”.)
          Another example:
          How many people died in the accident? (people as the subject of the sentence, no modal auxiliary)
          How many people did you see in the accident? (people as the object of the sentence, modal auxiliary verb is required)
          Have more questions, please use our comment forms anytime.

    • Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of others. It involves skills such as emotional awareness, empathy, self-regulation, and social skills. People with high emotional intelligence can navigate social complexities, communicate effectively, handle conflicts, and build strong relationships. This capability is essential not only for personal well-being but also for professional success, as it enables better collaboration, leadership, and decision-making in various environments.

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