Lie (Tell Untruths) vs. Lie (Recline) vs. Lay (put)

Lie (Tell Untruths) vs. Lie (Recline) vs. Lay (put) – Common grammar mistakes in English with examples and conjugations

Lie (tell untruths)

Conjugation: lie – lied – lied – lying

Wrong: Many years ago, his wife laid to him.

Right: Many years ago, his wife lied to him.

Wrong: He has laid in court for getting justice.

Right : He has lied in court for getting justice.

Lie (recline)

Conjugation: lie – lay – lain – lying

Wrong: He lied on the sofa this morning.

Right : He lay on the sofa this morning.

Wrong: The beggar laid at the footpath and asked for alms.

Right: The beggar lay at the footpath and asked for alms.

Lay (put or place)

Conjugation: lay – laid – laid – laying

Wrong: Please lie the pen on my desk.

Right: Please lay the pen on my desk.

Wrong: My neighbour has lain much garbage in front of his door.

Right: My neighbour has laid much garbage in front of his door.

Wrong: Lain the tools aside in my room. We will use them tomorrow.

Right : Lay the tools aside in my room. We will use them tomorrow.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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2 thoughts on “Lie (Tell Untruths) vs. Lie (Recline) vs. Lay (put)”

  1. Lie (Tell Untruths)

    conjugation: lie-lied-lied
    1. Wrong: Many years ago, His wife laid to him.
    Right: Many years ago, His wife lied to him.
    2. Wrong: He has laid in court for getting justice.
    Right : He has lied in court for getting justice.

    Lie (Recline) 

    conjugation: lie-lay-lain
    1. Wrong: He lied on his sofa in this morning.
    Right : He lay on his sofa in this morning.
    2. Wrong: The beggar laid at footpath and asked for alms.
    Right: The beggar lay at footpath and asked for alms.

    Lay (put/to place)

    conjugation: lay-laid-laid
    1. wrong: Please lie the pen on my desk.
    Right: Please lay the pen on my desk.
    2. Wrong: My neighbour has lain his home made garbage in front of his door.
    Right: My neighbour has laid his home made garbage in front of his door.
    3. Wrong: Lain the tools aside in my room. We will use these tools tomorrow.
    Right : Lay the tools aside in my room. We will use these tools tomorrow.

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