Life IELTS Listening Reading Practice

Life IELTS Listening Reading Practice

Life IELTS Listening Reading Practice

Lecturer, author or publisher: Facts.

Life IELTS Reading Practice

Boy: I don’t know what are the questions.

Man: Well, may I ask you a question, the first one?

Man: What is the worst thing about being young?

Boy: Well, you get lots of homework. It’s like you’re in the middle of bad and good in the schools.

Boy: What is the worst thing about being old?

Man: Not being able to do things that you could when you were young.

Boy: Like, you can’t bend down and get stuff from the floor?

Man: Well, I can still do that, but the problem is that your body gets a bit stiff. You might get sick more often. Hopefully, I don’t, but that’s pretty bad.

Boy: The only time I went to the hospital was my mom didn’t like getting me born.

Man: Do you wish you were old?

Boy: I don’t know, like I could buy stuff for my own, and I could get married…?

Boy: Do you wish you were young, why?

Man: The great thing about being young is that you have more time. I could play games. I used to play cowboys and Indians. That’s what I like about being young. I could use my imagination more.

Man: Will you fall in love, and what would it be like?

Boy: I don’t know. Like, we’ll have babies and we will have fun, oh! Even though I’d have to change his diaper, it’ll be fun. But what if he cries? I’ll just sing like Ed Sheeran to him.

Man: And who do you love now?

Boy: My mom. I like my family.

Boy: Did you fall in love? What was it like?

Man: Yes, it was different for me. I fell in love late, but my love passed away, she died, unfortunately. That was a sad thing. She got sick. You know, these things happen, Shawn. That’s life. But we have very good memories. And a lot of the time, you live in your head with those memories. You could remember all the good things, and that’s the important thing.

Man: Well, the advice I would give to you, Shawn, is that you don’t have to be rich to be happy. Do the things that you like to, and that makes you feel good, because when you’re happy yourself, everybody else is happy.

Boy: And my advice is: act normal. Don’t be silly. Don’t bully so many people. The people I know at school, like Alex, in school, whenever he gets hurt, I hug him. It might not be able to work, but …

Man: And be yourself. Don’t let the other people tell you what you should be. Just be as you are. I’m sure your life is gonna be very successful. You have all the right things to do, all the good friends, and keep those friends going, and keep life going.

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Life IELTS Listening Practice

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