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Magnum Opus Meaning in Context – 601 Words

Magnum opus meaning and synonyms + images and antonyms used in real context for GRE & SAT candidates as a Latin term in English. Perfect your reading and listening comprehension in authentic context.

/ˌmaɡnəm ˈəʊpəs/ (noun)

Magnum opus meaning

a masterpiece or great work in art or literature, chef d’oeuvre, in Latin it means: great work, the most salient piece of artistic work of an author, work of genius, writer or artist, tour de force, classic, masterwork, pièce de résistance


Although da Vinci began work on his masterpiece or magnum opus while living in his native Italy, he did not finish it until he moved to France at King Francois I’s request. The French king displayed the painting in his Fontainebleau palace where it remained for a century. Louis XIV removed it to the grand Palace of Versailles. At the outset of the 19th century, Napoleon Bonaparte kept the painting in his boudoir.

Source of example: https://www.leonardodavinci.net/



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