Definition of Obdurate as a GRE Vocabulary Flashcard also found in 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam for advanced learners of English in authentic and real context with illustrations
/ˈɒb.djʊ.rət/ (adj)
extremely stubborn, not willing to change one’s opinion under any circumstances, assertive, adamant, unyielding, inflexible, tenacious, immovable, implacable, unbending, intransigent, mulish, obstinate, recalcitrant – hardhearted, callous, ruthless, heartless
If you have an obdurate or stubborn person in your life, consider yourself lucky. Stubborn people can be annoying, stressful and drive you crazy. Your stubborn person could be the person who sits next to you at work. Once you learn how to work with him (not against him), you will be shocked to discover how strong, smart and clever you are.
compliant, warm-hearted, flexible
Parts of speech
Noun: obduracy
Noun: obdurateness
Adverb: obdurately