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On Pins and Needles 1100 Words You Need Week 40 Day 3

On Pins and Needles 1100 Words You Need Week 40 Day 3

On Pins and Needles 1100 Words You Need Week 40 Day 3

in a nervous and jumpy state of anticipation, on edge, in an agitated state of suspense, touchy, edgy, irritated, tense, uneasy, anxious, jittery, oversensitive, moody, restless

One of the most challenging parts of having an imaging exam (or any medical test) is waiting for the results. It’s easy to imagine a negative outcome, and it can be challenging if you don’t know when or how you’ll get the results. Here at UVA Radiology, we want you to have the tools you need to feel calmer and more in control of your healthcare decisions. So we’ve compiled a list of 10 ways to help reduce anxiety and worry while you wait for imaging test results.

Many patients experience fear, anxiety, and worry while waiting for imaging test results. It’s a completely normal and understandable feeling. In fact, this feeling is so common that it has a name: scanxiety. In fact, they are on pins and needles before the test result is revealed.

Source: https://blog.radiology.virginia.edu/

Antonym: calm, relaxed

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