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Penitent 1100 Words You Need Week 33 Day 3

Penitent 1100 Words You Need Week 33 Day 3

Penitent 1100 Words You Need Week 33 Day 3 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

/ˈpen.ɪ.tənt/ (adj & noun)

showing regret for what you’ve done, remorseful, regretful, pitiful, contrite, sorry, repentant, repenting, rueful, apologetic, conscience-stricken, a penitent person

Another reason for confession is that it affords the penitent a means of repairing the offense to God that sin has caused. Every mortal sin is, in effect, an act of pride. When a person commits a sin he violates one of God’s ordinances. God, as it were, stands before the sinner and says: “You shall not do this evil; if you do you shall not enter into eternal life.”

Source: https://saintfrancisparish.org/

Antonym: unrepentant

Noun: penitence

Adverb: penitently

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