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Pique 1100 Words You Need Week 29 Day 4

Pique 1100 Words You Need

Pique 1100 Words You Need Week 29 Day 4 with authentic materials, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

/piːk/ (noun & verb)

a feeling of anger or annoyance, bad mood, temper, resentment, ill will, displeasure, irritation, vexation, irritate, bother, upset, vex

Ex-garda apologises for ‘pique’ and takes stand
Mr Justice Morris said he was asking him to put aside his fit of pique, accept his ruling and give evidence. “I’m not asking you to do anything other than do what you’re required by law,” he said.

At the end of his evidence Mr Leonard said: “I’m sorry that I was piqued but I feel that when these accusations are made like this at the last moment, I feel I am badly treated and I get upset about that. I’ve no right of appeal for the tribunal findings. When new evidence comes out that’s when I get so angry, and the effects of that on my life and family are profound.”

Source: https://www.irishtimes.com/

Adjective: piqued

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