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Pursue 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 15

Pursue 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 15

/pəˈsjuː/ (verb)

to try to catch or achieve something, take up, aim at, strive for, carry out, seek, aspire to, work at, engage in  – follow or chase someone or something, run after, hunt, hound, track, trail

Many children grow up idealizing the professions of their parents. If you always looked up to your mother and admired her teaching skills, that may influence you to pursue a career in education. Parents may also intentionally or unintentionally push a child toward a particular career path, especially in the cases of family-owned businesses, where parents expect their children to take over the company. Still other parents apply pressure on their offspring to strive for particular high-profile careers, feeling they are encouraging their children to reach high.

Source: https://work.chron.com/

Noun: pursuer

Noun: pursuance

Noun: pursuit

Adjective: pursuable

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