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Summary Writing Happy Life

Summary Writing Happy Life

Summary Writing Happy Life

Summary Written by LELB Society’s Students


These days, most people are preoccupied with the thoughts that help them become rich and famous. People make any endeavor to achieve affluence and fame so as to inject enough excitement to their life. However, the question is that, Do these parameters culminate in a happy life necessarily?
In fact, statistics have shown that when it comes to a jubilant life, relationships are at the top of the list. In other words, the quality of relationships, camaraderie, affinity, etc. need to be improved to achieve a healthy, happy, and successful life.


Summary writing in English can give you this Unique: Adjective
"unique/jʊˈniːk/ being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual or special in some way: I’d recognise your handwriting anywhere – it’s unique.“>unique opportunity to practice paraphrasing, rephrasing, outlining and summarizing in English. You should watch the embedded video below as many times as you need and attempt to rephrase or interpret the underlying points that are made in the video in the form of comments. Please Bear in mind (expression)
to remember a fact or piece of information that is important or could be useful in the future:
Please bear in mind that some types of flowers need extra watering.“>bear in mind
 that this is a group activity. In other words (adv / conj)
Used when you are expressing an idea or opinion again in a different and usually simpler way:
The tax only affects people on incomes of over $200.000, in other words, the very rich.“>In other words
, the length of the video is divided into the number of the summary writers, and each student is responsible for his/her own sequence.

Study English conjunctions and their functions.

Learn how to develop an appropriate topic sentence in English.

Study the complete archive of Summary Writing.

"lecturerLecturer (noun)
/ˈlek.tʃər.əʳ/ US /-tʃɚ.ɚ/
1. someone who gives lectures, especially in a university:
He’s a brilliant lecturer.
2. someone who teaches at a college or university: a lecturer in psychology“>Lecturer, "authorAuthor (noun & verb)

/ˈɔː.θəʳ/ US /ˈɑː.θɚ/ noun [C] 1. the writer of a book, article, play, etc: He is the author of two books on French history.
2. FORMAL a person who begins or creates something: She’s the author of the company’s recent success.“>author or publisher: Robert Waldinger on TED Talk

2 comments on “Summary Writing Happy Life”

  1. These days, most people are preoccupied with the thoughts that help them become rich and famous. People make any endeavor to achieve affluence and fame so as to inject enough excitement to their life. However, the question is that, Do these parameters culminate in a happy life necessarily?
    In fact, statistics have shown that when it comes to a jubilant life, relationships are at the top of the list. In other words, the quality of relationships, camaraderie, affinity, etc need to be improved to achieve a healthy, happy, and successful life.

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