Reform 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 5

reform LELB Society

Reform 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 5 Reform 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 5 /rɪˈfɔːm/ (noun & verb) to make something better or improve it, make an improvement, restructure, alter, ameliorate, refine, modify, adjust, revise, amend, reconstruct – improvement, refinement, alteration, amendment, change, adaptation, modification To better understand the key issues involved in engendering such …

Refine English Flashcard for Refine for IELTS

refine English Flashcard

Refine English Flashcard Refine English Flashcard (verb) rɪˈfaɪn/ 1. to purify something and improve its quality, particularly by removing the unnecessary parts or materials: Refining oil for industrial purposes requires so much technical knowledge and money. 2. to improve a method, technique, process, etc. by modifying it: This computer program needs to be refined by …

Amend- – English Flashcard for Amend with Synonyms

/əˈmend/ verb [T] to change the words of a text, typically a law or a legal document: MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster. In line

Amend Amend (verb) /əˈmend/ to correct or improve something – alter – revise legislation – make better – adjust – modify – refine – ameliorate: The old policies of this company should be amended to deal with our current needs and requirements. Antonym maintain Parts of speech Noun: amendment Adjective: amendable Adjective: amendatory