Finicky Meaning in Context with Images Visual Dictionary

Finicky meaning in context with images in visual dictionary

Finicky meaning in context with images and authentic examples in LELB Society’s visual dictionary from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, finicky, in real context and improve your reading comprehension as well. /ˈfɪn.ɪ.ki/ (adj) Finicky meaning extremely difficult to please because of paying special attention to details, fussy, concerned with trifles …

Appoint 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 30

appoint LELB Society

Appoint 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 30 /əˈpɔɪnt/ (verb) select someone for a particular job or position, employ, nominate, assign, determine, specify, designate, hire, sign up – decide on the time or place of something to happen, agree on time or place of something, fix, arrange, allot – equip or furnish “In line with General …

English Question about Untimely Death for Discussion

English-Questions about Untimely Death

English Question about Untimely Death English Question about Untimely Death What if you had to choose the 10 people who would die? Would you rather have someone else in the group make the decision even though you might be picked to die? Please respond to this question in the interactive comment form below to have a …

Opt English Flashcard for Opt for IELTS

opt English Flashcard

Opt English Flashcard Opt English Flashcard (verb) /ɒpt/ US /ɑːpt/ to make a choice among several alternatives, choose, select, elect, decide on, pick, go for Ralph opted for dentistry among the other medical fields. Parts of Speech Noun: option Adjective: optional Adverb: optionally Antonyms dismiss, reject 

Select – English Flashcard for Select for IELTS

Select Flashcard LELB Society

Select Select (adj & verb) /sɪˈlekt/ verb: to choose somebody or something carefully among a group of things or people – choose – pick: The shirts are of the same quality. You just need to select your favorite color. adj: of the highest quality – high-quality – exclusive: The unfair teacher was just answering the …

Nominate – English Flashcard for Nominate with Synonyms

Nominate - English Flashcard for Nominate - LELB Society

Nominate Nominate (verb) /ˈnɒm.ɪ.neɪt/ US /ˈnɑː.mə-/ to officially select a person for a position, job, etc. – appoint someone to a position – propose – put forward – recommend – appoint – elect – choose: Mr. Robinson has been nominated for the position of vice president in our company. Parts of speech Noun: nominator Noun: …