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Reply To: Contact Movie Explained in Film Criticism Course Forum

Last updated on February 17th, 2023 by | Category: | 21 Views | Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is one of the best Sci-Fi movies I’ve ever watched, and for this reason, I score it 9 of 10. This generous rating is because after watching the film, I was thinking about the theme and its message for a very long time, and I can say I’m still haunted and influenced by its message.
It’s no wonder that Carl Sagan is beyond the story. The first time I watched the film, I was not aware of this point until the end of the movie when it was written “For Carl”. Then I searched on the internet and found out that the film was based on Carl Sagan’s novel.

This artistic work taught me how infinitesimal we are in the whole universe, and at the same time, how influential we could be in spite of our limitations. The casting of this film was so successful in getting this message across to the viewers, especially the protagonist, Jodie Foster, with her idiosyncratic acting style.