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English Presentation Comfort Zone

Published on February 27th, 2018 | Last updated on August 20th, 2022 by | Category: English Presentations to Practice Speaking | No Comments on English Presentation Comfort Zone | 75 Views | Reading Time: 1 minute

English Presentation Comfort Zone

Handout Provided by the Lecturer

  1. How is comfort zone defined according to Merriam-Webster dictionary?
  2. What will happen if you step out of your comfort zone?
  3. How did Yuri Gagarin get out of his comfort level?
  4. What physiological and neurological changes happen in your body when you challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone?
  5. How can a normal level of stress help us to fulfill our objectives in life?
  6. Mention some techniques that the lecturer said to step out of her comfort zone.
  7. How can you explain the principle of Mind over Matter?
  8. What is the exact definition of self-discipline?
  9. How are the two psychological constructs of self-discipline and comfort zone interrelated?

Topic: Comfort Zone

LELB Lecturer: Mojgan

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