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Blow Hot and Cold 1100 Words You Need Week 25 Day 2

Blow hot and cold

Blow hot and cold

to have inconsistent and fickle thoughts, ideas or attitudes in a confusing way, alternate in consistently between two moods or opinions, swing back and forth, be indecisive, waver, vacillate, hesitate, falter, be uncertain, be unsure, move back and forth, move backward and forward, dither, fluctuate

Why are you interested in someone that blows hot and cold?

This is less of a personal question about why you’re interested in this particular guy, but more of a general question about why people are interested in those who blow hot and cold towards us. I guarantee there are lots of men out there that would be extremely interested in you, constantly. So why do you decide to stick with the man that’s showing you such mixed and confusing emotions?

If the man you are interested in is blowing hot and cold, one of the most essential things you need to know is that it has nothing to do with you or how you are acting. You are an amazing and perfect human being that has clearly taken over this man’s head and he isn’t sure how to deal with it. But you are not creating any kind of problem, he is the one doing that to himself.

I really hope this article has helped you figure out why a man might blow hot and cold, why we are all naturally attracted to people that do this and what you should do about it. I know that this kind of situation can be really difficult but whatever you decide to do with the information I have given you, just please ensure that you always look after yourself and be your true self. You are worthy of pure love, with no hot and cold phases.

Source: https://hernorm.com/

Antonym: be consistent, be decisive

Farsi: دمدمی مزاج بودن، نظر و رای خود را عوض کردن

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