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Definition of Edacious with Images & Real Examples in Context

Definition of Edacious in LELB Society’s visual dictionary for advanced learners of English with images and in real context

/i-‘dā-shəs/ (adj)


gluttonous, voracious, rapacious, ravenous, devouring or consuming a lot of food, insatiable


An appetite suppressant is a food, supplement, or other method that stops a person from feeling hungry. Some methods are more effective for suppressing edacious or voracious appetite than others.

Manufacturers of appetite suppressant pills make big claims about the ability of pills to suppress appetite and promote weight loss. However, the effectiveness of these pills is not known, and according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), they often come with dangerous side effects.

Source of example: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/



Parts of speech

Adverb: edaciously

Noun: edaciousness

Noun: edacity

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