Adversary 1100 Words You Need Week 29 Day 2

Adversary 1100 Words You Need

Adversary 1100 Words You Need Week 29 Day 2 with authentic material, synonyms, antonyms and flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

/ˈæd.və.sər.i/ (noun)

an enemy, opponent, challenger, rival, foe, antagonist, competitor

The suspicions of Edward appear to have been confirmed by an incident which took place in May, A.D. 1274, when he was still in Guienne. According to the usages of chivalry, it was permitted for one knight to challenge another to a trial of skill in the tournament; and such a challenge would scarcely be refused by any man, whatever his degree, who had a regard for his knightly fame. The Count of Chalons, a distinguished soldier, sent a message of this kind to Edward, desiring to break a lance with him in the tournament. The warlike king had no desire to evade the challenge; and, waiving his high rank, he consented to meet the count upon even terms. On the day appointed, Edward rode to the spot, attended by an escort of a thousand men; but when he arrived there he saw to his surprise that his adversary was accompanied by nearly two thousand. The king had already heard rumours of some treachery said to be intended by the count, but, with the temper of a brave man, he had despised them. The warlike array before him now recalled these rumours to his memory, in a manner not to be disregarded. The intended tournament was converted into a sanguinary engagement, in which all the men of both sides took part, and Edward himself performed some gallant feats of arms.


Antonyms: buff, supporter, adherent, proponent, advocate

Adjective: adversarial: involving opposition or enmity

Adjective: adverse: unpleasant, unwanted, negative

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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