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Antiquated 1100 Words You Need Week 34 Day 2

Antiquated 1100 Words You Need Week 34 Day 2

Antiquated 1100 Words You Need Week 34 Day 2

/ˈæn.tɪ.kweɪ.tɪd/ US /-ţə.kweɪ.ţɪd/ (adj)

obsolete and too old, passé, obsolescent, archaic, old-fashioned and unsuitable for modern life, outdated, out of date, outmoded, behind the times, démodé, old

So what’s the best way to modernize technology in retail? Chances are, it’s going to involve the point of sale (POS). The point of sale is the time and place where you finish transactions – typically, it’s the last chance you get to make an impression on a retail customer before they walk away. And if the impression you leave is that your POS technology is antiquated and inefficient, that’s not going to bode well for your business.

It’s therefore crucial that you evolve. Retail is changing faster right now than it ever has, and consumers today expect higher levels of service and convenience. Fixed, antiquated POS systems make every transaction lengthy and tedious – that’s not going to get it done. To keep up with the demands of the modern consumer, retail companies today are adopting mobile POS solutions that leverage the power of Apple products.

Source: http://blog.zones.com/

Antonym: modern

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