Asperity 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 4

Asperity 1100 Words You Need

Asperity 1100 Words You Need

/əˈsper.ɪ.ti/ (noun)

the state of being severe and harsh in the way you speak or behave, harshness and severity in manner and tone, toughness, sharpness, brusqueness, sternness, astringency, stringency:

In his Preface he says: ‘If the asperity of the notes and criticisms of my adversaries have here and there tinged my style, or led me astray from the narrow line of mere vindication, I am heartily sorry for it.’


One day, in the perverseness of youth, I spoke with asperity to my mother. Vexed at heart, she sat down in a corner, and with tears in her eyes was saying: “You have perhaps forgot the days of infancy, that you are speaking to me thus harshly.—How well did an old woman observe to her own son, when she saw him powerful as a tiger, and formidable as an elephant: ‘Could thou call to mind those days of thy infancy when helpless thou wouldst cling to this my bosom, thou wouldst not thus assail me with savage fury, now thou art a lion-like hero, and I am a poor old woman.'”


It struck me that he was affected somewhat in that manner. Otherwise the meeting was a pleasant one. Grandfather exerted himself more than usual and, as to conversation, appeared exactly as he ever has. I think he is rather more striking now than ever, certainly more agreeable, as his asperity of temper is worn away.


Antonym: affability

Farsi: خشونت و سختی

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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