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Bring Home the Bacon 1100 Words You Need Week 23

Bring Home the Bacon

Bring Home the Bacon

to earn a living and meet the needs of a family, make a living for a family, support a family financially, be successful, succeed, come up with the goods, keep a roof over your head, put food on the table, feed your family, keep the wolf from the door

About the etymology of this idiom, there are some people who believe that the idiom started in the 1500s. In those days one of the most fascinating fairground attractions was to try and catch a greased pig with your bare hands, and whoever managed to do so would be able to take the prized animal home. So, if you won you would literally be bringing home the bacon.

Source: https://www.bloomsbury-international.com/

Antonym: fail

Farsi: مخارج زندگی خانواده را تامین کردن

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