Unearth– English Flashcard for Unearth for IELTS

Unearth - English Flashcard for Unearth - LELB Society

Unearth Unearth (verb) /ʌnˈɜːθ/ US /-ˈɝːθ/ to dig something up from the ground, bring something out, disinter, disclose, retrieve, uncover, dig up, extract, excavate: The archaeologists unearthed some rare fossils in their last excavation project. Antonyms inter, cover up, bury

Depart – English Flashcard for Depart for IELTS

Depart - English Flashcard for Depart - LELB Society

Depart Depart (verb) /dɪˈpɑːt/ US /-ˈpɑːrt/ to go away and leave a place, set off, start out, set forth, start out, go away, recede, quit – die, pass away, perish, depart this live, succumb – change, vary, digress, deviate: He picked up his backpack and departed for the city. Antonyms arrive, return, stick to Parts …

Coincide – English Flashcard for Coincide for IELTS

Coincide - English Flashcard for Coincide - LELB Society

Coincide Coincide (verb) /ˌkəʊ.ɪnˈsaɪd/ US /ˌkoʊ-/ to happen at the same time – occupy the same place – overlap – agree – accord – concur – match: Alice’s father’s death sadly coincided with the birth of her first child. Antonyms differ, desist Parts of speech Noun: coincidence Adjective: coincident Adverb: coincidently

Cancel – English Flashcard for Cancel for IELTS

Cancel - English Flashcard for Cancel - LELB Society

Cancel Cancel (verb) /ˈkænt.səl/ to stop something from existing or happening – revoke – abolish – end – stop – abandon – call off – terminate: The two companies could no longer cooperate with each other and had to cancel their contract. Antonyms prolong, renew, proceed Parts of speech Noun: cancellation Noun: canceller Adjective: cancellable

Contagious – English Flashcard for Contagious for IELTS

Contagious - English Flashcard for Contagious - LELB Society

Contagious Contagious (adj) /kənˈteɪ.dʒəs/ that can be transmitted from person to person by contact – transmittable – spreadable – transmissible – infectious: Flu is a common contagious disease, especially in the winter. Parts of speech Adverb: contagiously Noun: contagiousness Noun: contagion Antonyms noninfectious, harmless, benign

Clergy – English Flashcard for Clergy with Synonyms

Clergy - English Flashcard for Clergy - LELB Society

Clergy Clergy (noun) /ˈklɜː.dʒi/ US /ˈklɝː-/ priests, especially in the Christian church, people performing religious services, ordained priests, clergymen, priesthood, ministry The clergy began preaching a sermon about some important virtues. Antonyms laity Parts of speech Noun: clergyman Noun: clergywoman

Customary – English Flashcard for Customary for IELTS

Customary - English Flashcard for Customary - LELB Society

Customary Customary (adj) /ˈkʌs.tə.mər.i/ US /-mer-/ based on what is normal and usual – ordinary – expected – regular – typical – everyday: Tom bombarded his teacher with lots of questions with his customary curiosity. Antonyms exceptional, unconventional Parts of speech Adverb: customarily Noun: custom: a way of behaving or a hardened belief

Transparent – English Flashcard for Transparent for IELTS

Transparent - English Flashcard for Transparent - LELB Society

Transparent Transparent (adj) /trænˈspær.ənt/ US /trænˈsper-/ easily seen through – clear – obvious crystal clear – see-through – visible – evident: Before setting off for the road trip, make sure that the front window is transparent enough. Antonyms opaque, obscure, unclear Parts of speech Noun: transparency Adverb: transparently