Challenge 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 9 with synonyms, antonyms and parts of speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS candidates in real context
/ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/ (noun & verb)
Noun: an invitation to competition – a test of someone’s abilities and competence, trial, test, encounter, contest
Verb: to invite someone to compete, call someone to a fight – confront, resist, object to, defy, face up to, dare, throw down the gauntlet
Grohl previously penned a song for Nandi after she challenged him to a drum battle over Instagram.
Their competitive friendship on social media has continued with the Suffolk schoolgirl posting a song called Rock And Grohl, The Epic Battle.
Adjective: challenging
Adjective: challengeable
Noun: challenger