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Contraband Meaning in Context from 601 Words

Contraband meaning in authentic legal context from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with images and synonyms for law students or advanced learners of English with text-to-speech functionality.

/ˈkɒn.trə.bænd/ (adj & noun)

Contraband meaning

Noun: goods and merchandise that are illegally and secretly imported or exported between countries, trade in smuggled goods, illegal traffic, smuggling, the black market

Adjective: illegal, false, fraudulent


To ask the Minister for Finance (a) in the past five years, how many cases of illegal sales of contraband cigarettes have been reported and the sellers charged; (b) how many of them caught in such illegal activity are locals and foreigners respectively; and (c) whether the existing penalty is sufficient to deter such illegal activity or to encourage the sellers to work with authorities to locate the ultimate beneficiary.

Source of example: https://www.mof.gov.sg/

Parts of speech

Noun: contrabandage

Noun: contrabandist

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