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The Old Woman and the Doctor from Aesop with New Words

The Old Woman and the Doctor from Aesop with a podcast and list of new vocabulary taught in real context for ESL students

The Old Woman and the Doctor is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project

Podcast of the Old Woman and the Doctor

The Old Woman and the Doctor

An old woman became almost totally blind from a disease of the eyes, and, after consulting a doctor, made an agreement with him in the presence of witnesses that she should pay him a high fee if he cured her, while if he failed, he was to receive nothing.

  • consult: to ask for a specialist’s advice
  • witness: someone who sees an occurrence

Making a Contract in English with flashcards and authentic materials for businessmen in English

The doctor accordingly prescribed a course of treatment, and every time he paid her a visit, he took away with him some article out of the house, until at last, when he visited her for the last time, and the cure was complete, there was nothing left.

  • accordingly: in accordance with what has been said
  • article: an object or item
  • prescribe: to order the use of medication

The Thief and His Mother - English Fairy Tale at LELB Society with podcast and flashcards

When the old woman saw that the house was empty, she refused to pay him his fee; and, after repeated refusals on her part, he sued her before the magistrates for payment of her debt.

Debtor - English Flashcard for Debtor - LELB Society

On being brought into court, she was ready with her defence. “The claimant,” said she, “has stated the facts about our agreement correctly. I undertook to pay him a fee if he cured me, and he, on his part, promised to charge nothing if he failed. Now, he says I am cured; but I say that I am blinder than ever, and I can prove what I say.

  • claimant: plaintiff, applicant, suitor
  • undertook: assumed, took on

vision LELB Society

When my eyes were bad, I could at any rate see well enough to be aware that my house contained a certain amount of furniture and other things; but now, when according to him I am cured, I am entirely unable to see anything there at all.”

  • furniture: the movable items in a room or home like tables, chairs, etc.

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