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Cul-de-sac 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Cul-de-sac 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in real context with authentic examples, synonyms, definitions and illustrations for GRE candidates and advanced learners of English

/ˈkʌl.də.sæk/ (noun)


a road or path that is blocked off at one end without any exit, blind alley, impasse, no through road, dead end, a static situation that leads nowhere


A dilemma or cul-de-sac are special kinds of problems. When you are in a dilemma, every alternative solution is unacceptable. For those of us in the United States, we are watching a large-scale economic dilemma play out. If the federal government bails out the banks, we are rewarding incompetence. If we don’t bail out the banks, the financial system may collapse, taking the economy down with it.

Source of example: https://www.schwarzassociates.com/

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