Dealing with Death | IELTS – TOEFL Speaking Practice
Dealing with Death | IELTS – TOEFL Speaking Practice
Class Rules
Relevant Audio / Video File
Watch or listen to the following video/audio file in conjunction with the topic being discussed and try to answer the questions about it.
Questions about the video/audio file
- According to the video, what is the best solution to an excessive fear of death?
- Have you ever practiced the techniques presented by the narrator? What’s your feedback about their effectiveness?
- Is there any other technique or method that you know in order to help us cope with death?
Related Idioms and Expressions
- Be at death’s door ➡ Be very ill and likely to die
- Death Phobia ➡ An extreme fear of death
- Mortality ➡ The condition of having to die
Argue for/against
Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument.
Fear of death could be a motivating factor in life.
Photo Scanning
Please examine the photo below and try to come up with as many reasons as you can in support of the following statement:
The early death of her daughter came as a tremendous shock.
Reaching a Conclusion
- At the end of each session, we try to come to an informed conclusion on the selected issue.
- The students are expected to take notes during the class and use their notes to reach a conclusion at the end of each session in around 2 minutes.
Call for Feedback
Please help us to improve the quality of this class and our online community (LELB Society) by expressing your precious ideas about this question:
McMillan and Chavis (1986) consider the following four factors to be the ingredients of establishing a sense of community in online classes: (1) comprising or a sense of belonging, (2) the ability to influence the group, (3) realization of needs through goals that are shared among the learners, and (4) rapport among the learners in the group. Among the above four elements, which one(s) do you consider to be more significant in creating a sense of community in L2 learners?
To celebrate the World Teachers` Day to one of the best of them in Lelb society; ” It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” — Albert Einstein
Thank you so much for your kind message. I really appreciate it.
I chose self discipline as our next topic.
✅ Smart choice! Thank you.
8. How does being rich affect the fear of death?
That’s a very deep and challenging question. We’ll talk about that in our next class on fear of death.
Do you think about your death time ? If so , can u you explain why ?
⛔ You are the only student who does not care about putting numbers before questions.
? ⚠️ ATTENTION: Please vote for your favorite topic for the next session. If you cannot vote, for any particular reason, you can specify your vote as a comment here. If you don’t vote, I have to impose topics on you, which I don’t really like.
6. Imagine the world without death. How would it be look alike?
? ➡ how would it look like…
5. How much attention should we pay to our death?
Such a thought-provoking question about death! Thank you.
4.what can we do when we’re going through a difficult time?
We need to try to be persistent enough because life has its ups and downs.
That’s easy to say.. In reality, everything can be tough and intolerable…
Everything!? That’s so pessimistic and cynical to believe that everything is tough or intolerable, as you put it.
❌ This question is NOT to the point, and won’t be discussed in the class.
3. “If we don’t cry, it means we aren’t sorry about the loss.” What do you think? Is it unusual?
I did like your question on the necessity of mourning for any loss.
To celebrate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”– Mahatma Gandhi
Thank you for mentioning this quotation from Mahatma Gandhi, which is also relevant to the topic of our discussion on dealing with death.
2. Photo Scanning:
The early death of her daughter came as a tremendous shock.
I thinks so. I can realize a deep sorrow on her face. Her messy hair along with her hands and fingers illustrate she is exhausted although she looks young. The necklace which I guess it is belong to her daughter intensify this sad feeling.
Such a thorough analysis of the photo! As you said, according to the photo, it’s extremely hard for her to deal with the death of her child.
In my perspective , the lady’s face clearly transfer a great grief which she has felt , on the other hand keeping her doughter’s picture in her hand while she has a gloomy glower on her face proves a deep sadness from the bottom of her heart.
Excellent review based on clear evidence. She’s still lamenting the loss of her daughter.
1. Argue for and against this statement:
Fear of death could be a motivating factor in life.
I agree with this statement, because the time of death is in fact the deadline of our whole life so we should try to use our time in order to prevent any sense of regret. There is an old saying which says we can find cure for every thing (or every thing has a cure) except death. So definitely we should do our best in order to know the value of our limited time in life.
I think it is better to correct the using of punctuation and do not use the repeated conjunction: (for example remove comma after I agree with this statement, )
I agree with this statement because the time of death is (actually) the deadline of our whole life(.) So(,) we should try to use our time in order to prevent any sense of regret. There is an old saying which says we can find cure for (everything) (or (everything) has a cure) except death. (Hence), definitely we should do our best in order to know the value of our limited time in life.
Thanks for scrutinizing and assessing this comment from your classmate. Peer-assessment is in fact a great activity to increase your awareness in second language acquisition.
Yeah. Life is so precious because it is limited, and every moment of life till death is actually priceless.
The message of death: “Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make the rest of your life, the best of your life.”
So interesting and meaningful! The first time I heard this inspiring quote was when I was watching the movie, American Beauty, acted by Kevin Spacy. I had a marvelous effect on my general view about life.
I disagree with this idea, because I never remember any times in which I got motivated owing to thinking about death. Although, some believe that thinking about death brings about higher efficiency of life, I myself suppose that the concept of death could put a damper on the human’s hope.
Life and death are not two distinct concepts and we experience them at any moment in our life. Attention to this point makes us to be more grateful for each day as a gift that we live. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that fills you up and you want to do best in your life.
Thanks for your comment.
this point makes us to be more grateful = this point makes us be more grateful
I see what you mean, and it shows that different people have a variety of different viewpoints about death and the way it should be dealt with.