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Disgruntled 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 2

Disgruntled 1100 Words You Need

Disgruntled 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 2 with synonyms, antonyms, flashcards and authentic materials for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

/dɪsˈgrʌn.tļd/ (adj)

unhappy and disappointed, annoyed, agitated, distressed, discontented, dissatisfied, resentful, displeased, irritated, angry, sullen, peeved

Nothing can ensure a disgruntled employee — and a scathing Glassdoor review — like a boss who has a favorite. Whether it’s overt or implied, employees will pick up on the fact that a manager has a “favorite employee” who can do no wrong. This dynamic will foster resentment and anger, not to mention low morale.

Lead by example. Be sure that rules and policies apply to everyone and that praise and compliments are distributed to all who are deserving.

Source: https://trainingindustry.com/

Antonyms: contented, satisfied

Verb: disgruntle

Noun: disgruntlement

Farsi: ناخوشنود، ناراضى ، غرغرو

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