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Disperse 1100 Words You Need Week 25 Day 1

Disperse 1100 Words You Need

Disperse 1100 Words You Need

/dɪˈspɜːs/ (verb)

to scatter or move away people or things over a large area, cause people or things to scatter in various directions, distribute widely, go away, disband, break up, diffuse, separate, dissolve

A small group of protesters started throwing objects at officers about 7:30 p.m. Saturday, police said, and the crowd was ordered to disperse. Incendiary devices were then used.

After police were severely criticized by protesters and public officials alike for using tear gas and pepper spray to disperse largely peaceful crowds, Durkan and Best said Friday outside groups would review and update crowd-control policies, including the use of pepper spray and deadly force techniques such as neck and choke holds. She and the mayor added that the ban on one kind of tear gas known as CS could be extended if groups need more time for policy review.

Source: https://apnews.com/

Antonym: concentrate, centralize

Noun: dispersal, dispersion

Adjective: dispersed

Farsi: پراکنده شدن ،متفرق شدن ،پراکنده کردن ،متفرق ساختن ،متفرق کردن

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