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Eke 601 Words You Need to Know

Eke 601 Words You Need to Know

/i:k/ (verb)


to make something last longer by using it frugally or sparingly, to make ends meet, manage to make a living with difficulty, supplement or complement something that is not enough, add to, eke out, draw out, draw in one’s horns


From the most meager incomes all the way up to the millionaire movie stars, it isn’t always easy to make ends meet and eke out your income. Think you could make due on $150 million? Tell that to Nicolas Cage who made that much in 15 years through 2011…just before filing bankruptcy.

The saying make ends meet just means to spend as much as you make. You’ve got your income at one end and your spending at the other. Making them meet is about either making more money to meet your expenses or budgeting to meet your income, or both.

Source: https://peerfinance101.com/


diminish, squander

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