English in the Workplace | English for Business – LELB Society

English in the Workplace

English in the Workplace

The Outline of This Lesson on English in the Workplace

Flat out

extremely busy and fast – as busy as a beaver

The company staff are working flat out to keep up with the heavy demands of the customers.

Video of English in the workplace

train of thought / track of thought

a sequence of ideas or thoughts that are interconnected

My train of thought was disrupted due to the presence of the noisy children.

get back on track

to return to a normal situation after a period of being unproductive

For a complete week, I couldn’t manage to be productive at work, but I promise to get back on track and compensate for it.

off track

in the wrong path – at fault – mistaken – unproductive

The chief executive warned us that we were getting off track. He said, “shape up or ship out”.

to bank on somebody or something

to count on something happening or someone doing something – depend on – rely on

If I were in your shoes, I would never bank on that business strategy.

brush up on

to review, revise and update a strategy – refine – go over – renew

Their insurance policies seem to be rather problematic. I think they need to brush up on them.

bring something to the table

to be able to use something valuable in the right place

As a shrewd real estate broker, he perfectly knows how to bring his years of experience to the table.

bring up

to mention something or raise a topic in a meeting – propose doing something

After a long period of absolute silence, the foreman eventually brought up a practical plan.

turn down

to reject a plan or suggestion – disapprove – disallow

They insisted on signing the contract, yet I had to turn it down because I was from Missouri.

wing it

to do something without planning or preparation – improvise – extemporize

We don’t have time for making any plan this week. We ought to wing it this time.


delivered spontaneously or without preparation or notes – improvised – impromptu

I lost my notes on the way, and now I have to make the speech completely off-the-cuff.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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