English Negotiation | Life Quality vs. Life Quantity

English Negotiation | Life Quality vs. Life Quantity

English Negotiation | Life Quality vs. Life Quantity

Topic for Negotiation:

The quantity of life (longevity) is more important than the quality of life.

  1. Mohammad disagrees. 
  2. Dr. Hariri agrees.

About Negotiation of Meaning:

Negotiation of meaning is a useful and practical activity based on skill integration to practice the 4 skills naturally. In this activity, you can also practice brainstorming, reasoning, and retorting, which are essential skills to perform well in the speaking and writing sections of the IELTS exam where you need to generate and organize relevant ideas.

To become a better negotiator, please consider the following tips:

  1. You should be well-prepared and quick on the trigger.
  2. Remember that a negotiation is NOT a lecture or monologue, and you should take equal turns in the negotiations.
  3. Depending on the topic being discussed, you can conduct some research to familiarize yourself with the issue and boost the level of your confidence.
  4. To support your claims, you can refer to the sources you have studied in preparation for the negotiations.
  5. You can rehearse your performance with a friend before holding our negotiations.

Teacher’s Notes

  1. Correct pronunciation of the word ‘know’: /nəʊ/ US /noʊ/
  2. Consider to our life quality ➡ consider our life quality
  3. When we are happiness ➡ when we are happy
  4. We have a peace of mind ➡ we have peace of mind
  5. Quality cause to quantity ➡ quality leads to / results in quantity
  6. Many of people ➡ many people
  7. Correct pronunciation of the word ‘lack’ ➡ /læk/
  8. Have a patient ➡ have a disease
  9. I don’t know how do it happen ➡ I don’t know how it could happen
  10. When a person get older ➡ when a person gets older
  11. Quality of life decrease ➡ quality of life decreases
  12. Helping to another people ➡ helping other people
  13. There was many people ➡ there were many people
  14. She had short life ➡ she had a short life
  15. There was so many scientists who lived in that history ➡ there were so many scientists who lived in that period / era
  16. The correct pronunciation of the word ‘focus’ ➡ /ˈfəʊ.kəs/ US /ˈfoʊ-/
  17. Enjoy of our lives ➡ enjoy our lives
  18. I’m agree ➡ I agree
  19. Achieving to their goals ➡ achieving their goals
  20. You are still making so many pauses. Your fluency is not good.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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