Ennui 1100 Words You Need Week 42 Day 2

Ennui 1100 Words You Need Week 42 Day 2

Ennui 1100 Words You Need Week 42 Day 2

/ˌɒnˈwiː/ (noun)

a feeling of boredom and apathy from lack of interest, mental tiredness, stupor, lassitude, lethargy, listlessness, tedium, enervation, languor, weariness, melancholy, depression, dissatisfaction

My Winter Ennui

You know that whole S.A.D. thing, that Seasonal Affect Disorder where you get all listless and depressed in the winter and you need one of those light box things to reset your body clock, or something?

Yeah, I think I have that.

Except for the depressed part. I don’t really feel depressed. And I don’t really want to climb back into bed and sleep all day, and I’m not grouchy or catatonic or weepy. Basically, I’m just PROFOUNDLY READY FOR SPRINGTIME TO GET HERE; but that doesn’t get its own acronym or the cool light box thingy, so I’m sticking with the S.A.D. self-diagnosis. That definitely has more gravitas than saying I’m just longing to see bright yellow sunshine streaming through my windows and to sit out on the porch swing swigging watermelon lemonade and waving at cars again… But dang, I really am.

Source: http://www.babybloomr.com/

Antonym: excitement

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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