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Facile 1100 Words You Need Week 40 Day 1

Facile 1100 Words You Need Week 40 Day 1

Facile 1100 Words You Need Week 40 Day 1

/ˈfæs.aɪl/ (adj)

requiring little effort and easy to do, ignoring the complexities of an issue, fluent but insincere and superficial, glib, rhetorical, simplistic, facetious, flippant, trite, casual, slick, cursory, shallow, naïve, oversimplified, effortless, trouble-free

In the referendum campaign, the Brexit camp asserted many things that will prove untrue. A case in point is the facile claim that because of its economic heft, the UK’s EU partners would agree to the status quo on free market access, despite the UK’s determination to curb immigration from EU countries. Why would the EU capitulate in this manner?

Source: https://www.asiaglobalinstitute.hku.hk/

Antonym: profound, complicated

Adverb: facilely

Noun: facileness

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