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English Conversation Class on Forgiveness

English conversation class on forgiveness for English students

condone LELB Society

  • Forgiveness is essential for mental health and peace of mind.
  • Sit relaxed and take some deep breaths.
  • Visualize yourself when you were most productive. Do not capture images of yourself when you were unproductive for any reason.
  • In order to forgive yourself, first you need to forgive others.
  • Mention the names of the people that you think they’ve offended you.
  • Then say that you will forgive them.
  • Wish happiness and success for them, no matter how offensive they have been to you.
  • Remember that if you hold grudge of them, you just hurt yourself.
  • The acid test for forgiveness is that there are some memories and you do not delete the memories, but the memories are not that bitter anymore.

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