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English Question on Setting Priorities

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    • #107008

      If you were able to prevent a devastating earthquake in the most distant area of the world that would take the lives of 20,000 people away, an airplane crash at the nearby airport with supposedly 100 casualties, or a car crash that would kill one of your acquaintances, which situation would you opt for?

    • #107228
      Farhang Hooshmand

      A difficult challenging question. I wish I would not be in a such breathtaking moment or if I would I wish I have the opportunity of preventing all three. But if I have to select one choice the logic says the first one but my heart says the last one. To be honest I do not know exactly which one I will choose. May be the first one is the best option but it is really hard to ignore the last option.

      • #107230

        * A difficult challenging question! (exclamation mark)
        * in such a breathtaking situation
        * I wish I had the opportunity to prevent …
        * may be = maybe

        That’s right. It’s quite a challenging question, and there’s a widening gap between logic and emotion. We will discuss that in more detail in the class.

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