Jonathan Livingston Seagull Movie – Film Criticism Course

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    • #121364

      Jonathan Livingston Seagull movie review and analysis in film criticism course forum for advanced ESL students based on the English immersion program.

      Source of image: Rotten Tomatoes

      Jonathan Livingston Seagull movie review

      Does anybody under 50 even know about Jonathan Livingston Seagull anymore, the 1970 pseudo-Eastern philosophy hodgepodge parable by Richard Bach that, through word of mouth, became a mammoth best seller?

      Soar | English Flashcard for Soar - LELB Society

      To people who grew up during the early seventies, a tattered blue paperback copy of Jonathan Livingston Seagull was as iconic a symbol of the times as macrame fern holders, waterbeds, big orange incense candles, earth shoes, and a VW Microbus parked out front. If that rather ghostly white image of Jonathan adorning the book cover wasn’t sitting on the back of someone’s toilet, it was resting on a cinderblock-and-board bookshelf, nestled safely between cherished copies of Love Story and the Collected Poems of Rod McKuen (with two Pet Rocks for bookends). Everybody read that stupid goddamn book.

      Source: Movies and Drinks

      Jonathan Livingston Seagull movie trailer

      If you cannot see the embedded video below, click here to watch Jonathan Livingston Seagull movie trailer directly.

    • #121489
      Soroosh Houshmand

      This film was really one of the boringest silms that I haved ever seen . It doesn’t really make sense that whay somebody make a movie about a bird .
      And I want it wasn’t that but it was really weird and I give it a 4 out of 10.

      • #121496

        In this educational activity, we do not watch and analyze movies simply to get entertained; otherwise, you could watch Tom & Jerry.
        * one of the most boring
        * whay = why
        * silm = film
        * somebody makes a movie …

    • #121491
      Armaghan Houshmand

      Jonathan is a seagull that wants to break the limits and fly faster and higher. He wants to find a more profound and reasonable purpose of living.
      This movie was beautiful and the music was very delightful.
      The fact that they made the movie like a documentary was interesting.

      • #121495

        * break the limits = push the limits

    • #121501

      I selected Jonathan Livingston Seagull for our film criticism class when I was meditating on the beach and saw a bunch of seagulls flying smoothly and elegantly at the seaside. Then I thought of this film and watched it for the third time.

      Jonathan symbolizes a special part in anyone of us, a sense of perfection and thirst for salvation. Jonathan is the driving force behind soaring in the sky and getting better and better. I deeply praise him for not comparing himself with others as an inevitability, pushing the limits, and going an extra mile to fulfill his goals and objectives, no matter what.

      Jonathan combated his fear to get out of his comfort zone and become a genuine mentor or guru teaching others unconditionally to redeem themselves.

      This inspiring film can teach us this principle that the limit is our imagination or thought. Jonathan was challenging himself all the time, and for this reason, he was getting stronger and stronger. The whole film is the antithesis of the English proverb, birds of a feather flock together, because he was considered an outcast simply because of thinking differently without harming any member of the flock.

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