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The Experiment Movie Review in Film Criticism Course

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    • #123985

      The Experiment movie review and analysis in film criticism course forum for advanced ESL students based on the English Immersion Program

      Source of image: New on Netflix

      The Experiment movie review

      Incarcerate from 601 Words You Need to Know as a legal term in English

      After interviews measuring responses to scenes of violence, a chosen 26 are driven to an isolated prison setting with 24 hour camera coverage. The group is split into six guards and 20 prisoners, thereafter referred to only by number. Travis is assigned as a prisoner (#77), and Barris as a guard. Prisoners are required to fully consume three meals a day, participate in 30 minutes of daily recreation, remain within designated areas, and avoid speaking to guards unless spoken to first.

      Source: Wikipedia

      The Experiment movie trailer

      If you cannot see the embedded video below, click here to watch The Experiment movie trailer directly.

    • #124043
      Armaghan Houshmand

      This movie (The Experiment) was difficult for me to watch. I had to look away from the screen a few times. The film is based on a real prison experiment conducted in 1971 to examine whether people would conform to the social roles of a prison guard and prisoner, much like the saying “the strong eat the weak.” I found myself wanting to judge the behavior of the prison guards and blame them for the conflicts, brutality, and barbarism in the mock experiment. However, I realized that any one of us in their shoes would probably have acted the same way. It’s human nature and violence instinct sometimes according to human history seems unavoidable.

      • #124089

        Such a complete and constructive criticism on the film, The Experiment!
        I’m sorry about your experience while watching this film which is full of violence but great psychological messages to get.

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