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Upbringing in Childhood English Conversation Question

LELB Society: A Bilingual Academy of English & Persian Forums English Conversation Questions for Adults Upbringing in Childhood English Conversation Question

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    • #110569

      If you were able to modify or change any aspect of your child rearing or the way you were raised as a child, which feature would you like to alter?

    • #110586
      Armaghan Houshmand

      Well I think I’m pleased with my child rearing, I think my parents have done their best and tried as hard as they could.

      • #110609

        So happy to hear that, although I did not have any doubt about it. You know, the main objective of raising these questions is not soliciting personal information about people’s lives. They’re just aimed at holding challenging discussions to practice writing and speaking.

    • #110692
      Soroosh Houshmand

      I wish that my parents go harder on me and make me a smart child.

      • #110708

        WOW! I’m really surprised by your wish as the majority of young people at your age tend to have permissive parents. I believe having strict and restrictive parents could be as counter-productive as permissive or submissive parents. I can say that like many other cases, moderation is the key. I also wonder why you think your parents should necessarily make you a smarter person. I guess you are mature enough to become a smarter person, because you’re already aware of the fact that people can become more intellectual.

    • #110706
      Farhang Hooshmand

      In my opinion having self confidence and the ability of making good communication with other people and the ability to flourish our own abilities and talents are the main items that every successful person usually has. So I hope that I can learn these to my children or at least pave their way to learn these in their life. Both my mother and my late father did their best but I wish that my parents had more facilities in their lives to teach me more, especially in those fields that I mentioned.

      • #110717

        I suppose you wanted to edit this reply. That’s why you posted another reply to this forum topic, which is perfectly fine. Thank you for correcting yourself.

    • #110707
      Farhang Hooshmand

      In my opinion having self confidence and the ability of making good communication with other people and the ability to flourish our own talents are the main items that every successful person usually has. So I hope that I can teach these to my children or at least pave their way to learn these in their life. Both my mother and my late father did their best but I wish that my parents had more facilities in their lives to teach me more, especially in those fields that I mentioned.

      • #110718

        As you correctly wrote, instilling self confidence and a high level of interpersonal skills in our children is extremely important. In addition, providing them with enough educational facilities, especially these days, is another necessity as successful and influential parents.

        I believe giving anything to our children as soon as they demand it is not recommended in many cases. My experience has proved it to me that children raised with some degree of difficulty end up being more successful compared to children born with a silver spoon in their mouths. On the other hand, raising children who have to struggle with extreme poverty and destitution is so reprehensible.

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