IELTS Listening Practice Sedentary Lifestyle

IELTS Listening Practice Sedentary Lifestyle

IELTS Listening Practice Sedentary Lifestyle

 About this activity

  • This activity is labeled round table by Dr. Hariri, the creator and administrator of LELB Society.
  • This activity is on the premise of Flipped Learning, according to which the students watch a video before the class, carry out research into the selected theme, and prepare themselves for an informed discussion in the class.
  • This activity is on the basis of both synchronous and asynchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC), according to which the students are also encouraged to be active even before the class.
  • In this flipped classroom activity, the students are encouraged to utilize the comment form at the bottom of the post to to exchange their questions, findings, and experiences with each other. Later on, we will discuss the asynchronous activities in the class. In a few words, “let’s learn from each other.”

About the Video Files

  • The video files are meticulously selected among the most prominent academicians, lecturers, and scientists based on Google Scholar.
  • We might refer to the exact elapsed time ⌛️ of the video files to pinpoint specific statements, messages, etc.

Writing Activity

  • You should adopt a formal register in your written contributions in the comment form.
  • To give an answer to a question or comment, use the Reply button.
  • In our written activities, we can practice negotiation of meaning (sharing our findings with regard to the selected themes) and negotiation of form (performing peer-reviewed error correction).
  • Put a number before your questions in the comment form successively to refer to them more easily in the class.
  • Your questions should be unique and not previously raised by your classmates in the comment form.


  • You should take equal turns in speaking. The maximum amount of time you can have is 60 seconds.
  • This is a fully organized activity; consequently, all your contributions, including comments, replies, and verbal opinions, must be with direct reference to the assigned topic and its corresponding video. Any irrelevant contribution is strongly frowned upon.
  • You will be stopped if your speech appears to be irrelevant or not supported by evidence.
  • Students leaving comments below will be given priority over others in our informed conversations.

Instructions for the IELTS Listening Part

In this part of your exam, you will be given some instructions as the following:

  1. Do not open your question paper until you are told to do so.
  2. Write your name and your candidate number on the specified space on top of this page.
  3. Listen closely to the instructions for each part of the paper.
  4. Write your answers to the questions on the questions paper while you are listening.
  5. At the end of the test, you will have an extra 10 minutes to transfer your answers to a separate answer sheet. Use a pencil to copy the answers.

Section 1

In this section, you will listen to a conversation between two speakers on an everyday and comment topic, such as organizing events, arranging a trip, talking about the weather, etc. You are supposed to listen closely to get specific factual information.

Section 2

This is a monologue on a general topic, such as public events. Again, you are supposed to listen closely to acquire specific factual information.

Section 3

In this section, you will listen to a discussion between 2 or 4 speakers on an academic topic, such as assignments, taking courses, attending seminars, etc. While focusing on specific factual information, you should also pay attention to the speakers’ attitudes and opinions.

Section 4

In this section, you will listen to a lecture (monologue) on an academic topic. You should focus on specific factual information as well as the main ideas. Also you should pay attention to the speaker’s attitudes and opinions.
You will have around 30 seconds before the test starts to see what kinds of information will be required (for instance, names, dates, times, money, etc.)

Leading a sedentary lifestyle

IELTS essay on obesity with full essay model + thorough scoring

Leading a sedentary lifestyle can have several negative impacts on both physical and mental health. Prolonged inactivity is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. It can also lead to muscle atrophy, poor posture, and reduced bone density. Mentally, a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety, as regular physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy mood and cognitive function. Additionally, a lack of exercise can affect sleep quality and overall energy levels, creating a cycle of fatigue and inactivity. To mitigate these risks, it’s important to incorporate regular physical activity into daily routines.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4155

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25 thoughts on “IELTS Listening Practice Sedentary Lifestyle”

  1. Does decreasing the consumption of unappropriated food cause having a sedentary lifestyle and physical behavior?

    • Corrections:
      unappropriated ➡ inappropriate
      Cutting down the consumption level of junk food could be looked upon as a positive factor that can help us to get away from leading a sedentary or desk-bound lifestyle.

      • Thank you for your consideration and impressive responses to all my questions. As a matter of fact, I have this very inappropriate lifestyle during studying and working. fortunately, I have not faced such problems. However, the above video has got my attention to think to get away from this behavior gradually until it has not been converted into a serious desk-bound lifestyle.

        • You’re most welcome. I take much pleasure in interacting with my active and responsive visitors, like you, on LELB Society.
          I’m so happy to see that our resources and activities here have been useful to you. In fact, I invariably try to focus on instructive materials so that our visitors would practice English as well as making some improvement in their lives.

  2. Has anybody ever measured the harmfulness of sedentary lifestyle for children and adolescence nowadays?

    • In fact, there has been so much systematic research into this crucial subject. Thus, childhood obesity has become a major issue, these days. The problem lies in this fact that there has been a huge discrepancy between the results of the aforementioned studies and the parents’ willingness and readiness to implement the scientific findings and put them into action.

  3. Technology has been invited to make our life more comfortable than ever, what has happened in the human life that today we are faced with a wide spectrum of new diseases? Is not it time to review what a deep footprint we left behind?

    • Great point! In this regard, it must be taken into account that technology, if not utilized properly, could cause some serious problems and lead us to premature death.

  4. How to avoid living a sedentary behavior?

    • Corrections:
      This type of question appears only in titles. It’s better to use a sentence-based question.
      sedentary behavior ➡ sedentary lifestyle
      How can we/you avoid leading a sedentary lifestyle?

  5. 8. What are some adverse consequences of leading a desk-bound lifestyle?

  6. 7. What is numbness?

    • Numbness is a loss of sensation or feeling in a part of the body, often described as a tingling or “pins and needles” sensation. This condition can occur due to various causes, including pressure on nerves, poor circulation, injury, or medical conditions such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis.

  7. 6. What is lipoprotein lipase?

    • Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is an enzyme crucial for lipid metabolism, playing a key role in breaking down triglycerides in lipoproteins into free fatty acids and glycerol. This process occurs primarily in muscle and adipose tissue, where LPL is anchored to the walls of capillaries.

  8. 5. What kind of sitting position will cause wear and tear on your spinal discs?

    • Sitting in a slouched or hunched position, with your shoulders rounded and your back curved, can cause wear and tear on your spinal discs over time. This posture places excessive pressure on the spine, particularly the lower back, leading to discomfort and potential disc degeneration. Prolonged periods in this poor posture can strain the muscles and ligaments supporting the spine, exacerbating the risk of chronic back pain and injuries.

  9. 4. What effect does all of this stasis have on the brain?

    • A sedentary lifestyle can have detrimental effects on the brain, leading to decreased cognitive function and increased risk of mental health issues. Prolonged inactivity reduces blood flow to the brain, which is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients that support cognitive processes.

  10. 3. What are the evidence in human body to show that it build to move?

    • Corrections:
      “Evidence” is uncountable. So, what “is”…
      It build to move ➡ it is built to move

  11. 2. What is the respiratory problem that comes from sedentary lifestyle?

    • Corrections:
      … “a” sedentary lifestyle

  12. 1. What is the meaning of “recuperate” ? [0:35]

    • Corrections:
      There is a space between the question mark and the quotation mark, which should not exist.

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