IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course – Session 1

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course – Session 1

Writing Practice

  • From 9:40 to 10:00 pm
  • In each session, one student writes an essay or some part of an essay on specified topics and leaves it as a comment in the blue comment form at the bottom of this post before the next class.
  • In the class, the teacher and the other students assess the essays, paragraphs, etc., focusing on grammar problems, choice of words, essay writing skills and techniques, etc.

Writing Task

Each student should write one paragraph consisting of approximately 80 words as a supporting paragraph focusing on one specific advantage of learning English as the international language in depth.

It goes without saying “The limits of my language are the limits of my world”. To be more specific, learning English as the international language has multifarious merits. First and foremost, you can communicate with people from all walks of life worldwide, not only for joy but also for exchanging ideas. For instance, a researcher who is striving to find out new information about a phenomenon, could take advantage of knowing English in order to broaden his horizons in his field by socializing with scientists in other countries. Hence, why do not we put learning English in our schedule?

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4151

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23 thoughts on “IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course – Session 1”

  1. By the hardworking and endeavors of people in different parts of the world, ceaselessly various amounts of knowledge and technologies are being produced. To facilitate the processes of research and studies, it is evident that we should have one international language as our resource to have access to the recent advancements. Having familiarity with the international language i.e., English, can be regarded as a fruitful way for people in different fields of studies or professions to be aware of the developments and help in the continuance of the progression.

    • Thanks for your revision.
      1. Hardworking is an adjective and does not match with endeavors as a noun
      2. as our resource ==> better to use an adjective for resource, e.g. great
      3. The subject of to be aware is people, but it’s not the case for help
      4. Progression :arrow: omit the
      5. Fairly unified, as requested, a good example of a supporting paragraph with one central focus. Thank you.

      • Thank you for your correction.

        • You’re welcome.

      • For the verb help I also meant the people. Help also refers to people. How should I tell it?

        • Just omit “in” after “help”, and it will be correct.

  2. English has emerged as the world’s international language. While not the most spoken overall, it bridges communication gaps across continents. English serves as the common tongue in business, entertainment, and scientific research. Its dominance in media and entertainment allows information and ideas to flow freely on a global scale. Understanding English unlocks educational and professional opportunities, making it a valuable tool in today’s interconnected world.

    • 134 words, rather too much!
      Note to all, the max amount of time for this activity is 20 min. Let’s be realistic about the time limit and the quality of this activity.

    • Thank you so much for this well-written paragraph on the importance of learning English as the international language.

  3. To talk about the advantages of learning English as a second or foreign language, first it’s better explain about the aimes of having an international language in the world. By the hardworking and endeavors of people in different parts of the world, various amounts of knowledge and technologies are being produced ceaselessly and such scientific productions are required to be expressed in such a way that all people of the world become aware of them. To facilitate the processes of research and studies, it is evident that we should have one specific language -international language- as our resource to have access to the recent advancements. Having familiarity with the international language i.e., English, can be regarded as a fruitful way for people who are working in different fields of studies or professions to become familiar with new developments and help in the continuance of the progressions. What has been said is just one advantage of learning English as a second language, there are lots of other profits such as having comfortable foreign travels and trips, having hospitable relationships with tourists, being able to see English movies and theaters without the need for subtitles, better opportunities in both finding and performing careers and suitable practice for strengthening memory to mention some.

    • 210 words!
      I don’t think we will have enough time for that.
      Instructions :arrow: approximately 80 words.
      Overall time for the writing section :arrow: 20 min
      But any way, thank you. ☻

      • I made the previous writing more succinct.

        • Many thanks for your efforts. You did a great job!

    • By the hardworking and endeavors of people in different parts of the world, ceaselessly, various amounts of knowledge and technologies are being produced. To facilitate the processes of research and studies, it is evident that we should have one international language as our resource to have access to the recent advancements. Having familiarity with the international language i.e., English, can be regarded as a fruitful way for people in different fields of studies or professions to be aware of the developments and help in the continuance of the progression.

      • Thank you for reviewing and revising your own writing, which is a self-assessment activity.

  4. ? Note:
    Please note that you must active the push-to-talk feature on Discord in order to be able to speak in the IELTS/TOEFL voice channel.
    If you don’t know how to do that, study this post. Also note that we don’t have time to set it for your in the class.
    Thank you.

  5. To the best of my knowledge, English as the international language is one of the most important communication way worldwide that is undeniable. Undoubtedly, there are many advantages to learning English. First of all, if you are able to speak English very well you have this opportunity to attend University courses wherever you want. Second of all, the majority of people in the world are trying to communicate with each other by this language. Furthermore, it would be simplistic to assert that learning English is essential for our life.

    • Thank you.
      1. one of the most important communication wayS
      2. Better to say …, which is undeniable to refer to the previous sentence
      3. Why did you capitalize “u” in university courses?
      4. By this language :arrow: in this language
      5. Again very similar to an introductory paragraph. You were supposed to raise one point and elaborate on that.

  6. Writing Task;

    It goes without saying “The limits of my language are the limits of my world”. To be more specific, learning English as the international language has multifarious merits. First and foremost, you can communicate with people from all walks of life worldwide, not only for joy but also for exchanging ideas. For instance, a researcher who is striving to find out new information about a phenomenon, could take advantage of knowing English in order to broaden his horizons in his field by socializing with scientists in other countries.

    • Thank you for capitalizing your name and uploading a proper photo for your profile to give more credit and value to this community.

    • Points to consider:
      Great wording and unity!
      1. It is more similar to an introductory paragraph, particularly when you wrote: multifarious merits. First and foremost, …
      2. I don’t see any reason for using “,” before not only
      3. A researcher “,” who is striving ….. “,” or omit all commas.
      4. Using his
      twice is rather sexist.
      5. A scientist socializing with other scientists

  7. You might like to know that in the first session, Reza is going to give a lecture. Likewise, he has volunteered to entertain us in the Karaoke Practice section, which is an optional activity.
    Remember that you can use this comment form for any academic and educational purposes.
    And last, but not least, complete your writing assignment (one supporting paragraph) and leave it here asap.
    To your new horizon…

  8. ✋ Welcome aboard, dear students!
    Let’s make a world of difference here, and make a great start! ?

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