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Free Webinars on Interesting & Useful Topics in English & Farsi

Join our free webinars on interesting topics

LELB Society holds free webinars on a weekly basis on a variety of academic, useful and interesting topics free of charge. Our webinars are held in both English and Persian. You don’t need to be a registered member at LELB Society to to participate in our free webinars. All our visitors and members are welcome…

English Classes on Discord for IELTS and TOEFL

English Classes on Discord for IELTS & TOEFL English Classes on Discord Join our Discord server In our online classes on Discord, you can practice all the 4 skills naturally in interaction with your classmates from all over the world. Save your time, energy and money just for educational purposes and nothing more. LELB Society…

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course – Session 1

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course – Session 1 Writing Practice From 9:40 to 10:00 pm In each session, one student writes an essay or some part of an essay on specified topics and leaves it as a comment in the blue comment form at the bottom of this post before the next class. In the…

Improve Reading Skills Tips for IELTS and TOEFL

improve reading skills tips

Improve reading skills tips Improve reading skills tips Reading is a skill that takes time and practice. The first and most important thing to read well is to determine the purpose of reading. Then, you can focus on reading speed techniques, familiarity with new vocabulary in the text. Finally, by improving your reading and comprehension,…