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Infraction 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 4

Infraction 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 4

Infraction 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 4

/ɪnˈfræk.ʃən/ (noun)

the act of breaking laws or rules, violation of laws, infringement, contravention, breach, transgression, neglect, delict, contumacy, trespass, flouting, lawbreaking

An infraction, sometimes called a petty offense, is the violation of an administrative regulation, an ordinance, a municipal code, and, in some jurisdictions, a state or local traffic rule. In most states an infraction isn’t considered a criminal offense and is rarely punishable by incarceration. Instead, such jurisdictions treat infractions as civil offenses. Even in jurisdictions that treat infractions as criminal offenses, incarceration is not usually contemplated as punishment. But when it is, confinement is limited to serving time in a local jail.

Source: https://criminal.findlaw.com/

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