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Ingenuous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Ingenuous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

/ɪnˈdʒen.ju.əs/ (adj)

sincere and honest, trusting, artless, innocent, guileless, naive, unaffected, candid, showing childlike simplicity, straightforward, open, frank, gullible, innocuous, unsophisticated, innocent

Sincere friendships with ingenuous friends take time to form and deepen. Here are some ways to nurture your friendship:

Treat your friend as you would like them to treat you. Be reliable, thoughtful, trustworthy, and willing to share yourself and your time.
Be a good listener. Be prepared to listen and support friends as you expect them to do the same for you.

Source: https://northcoastrisingsun.co.za/

Antonyms: dishonest, artful, insidious

Noun: ingenuousness

Adverb: ingenuously

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