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Intrinsic 1100 Words You Need Week 26 Day 3

Intrinsic 1100 Words You Need

Intrinsic 1100 Words You Need

/ɪnˈtrɪn.zɪk/ (adj)

internal and paramount, basic and rudimentary, principal, inherent, essential, fundamental, central, core, key, deep-seated, deep-rooted, innate, underlying

This paper reports on a case study undertaken within a small, rural primary school in the UK to explore the extent to which it was possible to run a moral and spiritual programme as an intrinsic and inclusive part of the curriculum based on the children’s acquisition of virtues. The pupils were encouraged to build on their own experience and reflect on virtues such as ‘kindness’, ‘reliability’ or ‘responsibility’. Some positive associations were indicated between the moral and spiritual programme at the school and outcomes such as the pupil’s ability to resolve conflict and self-regulating behaviour as well as examples of empathy and altruism. The curriculum showed some effective ways of encouraging young people to be reflective and responsible for their own actions. This study was developed by observation of an assembly and targeted lessons together with semi-structured interviews. There was also a review of documentation related to the virtues programme to give a triangulated approach.

Source: https://www.researchgate.net/

Antonyms: extrinsic, external, acquired

Adverb: intrinsically

Farsi: بيواسطه ،ذاتى ،اصلى ،باطنى ،طبيعى ،ذهنى ،روحى ،حقيقى ،مرتب ،شايسته

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