Luck – IELTS Speaking practice
Luck – IELTS Speaking Practice
Argue for/against
Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument.
You can build your own luck.
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In our classes, you have been creating the main content of the course by making questions in the Round Table activity and replying to your classmates’ comments. What is your idea about the impact of this Content-based Instruction (CBI) approach on your experience in learning English online? In simple words, how has CBI influenced your language learning?
Is luck a part of success?
That’s a very good question. But first we should see if luck actually exists or not.
Hi.I’m Bahereh.I have already called you by skype and you helped me about your site and class on last Tuesday..I’m from in Sydney.Do you remember me?
Yes, now I remember you. You should have introduced yourself earlier. Anyway, thank you for your interest in our society.
Thank you very much indeed.
You’re quite welcome.
what happen when we thinking positivilly
What might happen when we think positively?
hi im so happy for this chance which i achive
Hello dear Saharnaz and welcome to our community. ☺️
15. I think it depends on everyone definition of luck. In my opinion, there isn’t anything or eny event coincidentally and with out wisdom.
I think luck is interpreted as opportunities that God gives to everyone.
Welcome to our argument.
I don’t recognize you. Please introduce yourself. ?
14. Can you believe in Luck?
Welcome dear Javed, ?
This question is not a new one.
13. Some people believe that a black cat is a sing of bad luck or foreboding. What do you think? ?
12. i think in Luck is a metaphysical energy,do you believe that..?
Do you reply to your own question? 😆 😋
i ➡ I
Luck ➡ luck
there in a metaphysical energy.
11. I belive in day being bad luck if we don’t do anything on that day.
Welcome back, dear Hajar! 😀
Quite an action-oriented approach! I liked this way of looking at life.
belive ➡ believe
It’s not a question. You could put it as a REPLY.
I consider a day to be bad luck if I don’t do anything positive/constructive on that.
Thanks a lot. 😊Being in Lelb society is one of the best opportunity for good luck because we learn many things of each other.
I’m so happy to hear that! 😎
I shall be really luck to learn many things from you, in return.
10. do u agree ” lucky people generate their good fortune” ? how?
Do you agree that lucky people generate their good fortune? If your answer is yes, how?
9- Does the luck transfer from one person to another? To communicate with lucky person make you more lucky. Do you agree with that?
Such an intriguing idea! 🎯
I think it’s better to put it in this way: Is luck contagious? or Is luck transmitted from one person to another?
8. Do you believe that for a good luck you need to pay?
Superb questions! Thanks so much. 💡 🎖
7. I believe that luck is predictable. What is your opinion, and why?
luck happened at a moment without human control and this fortune or unfortunate could has good or bad effect in life. I mean the impact of luck in life may be continued … I believe what predictable is attempt … assume two winner that one of them win with hard effort and another one only by chance. Which can be predicted?
Capitalize the first letter of each sentence.
Luck happens at a moment
this fortune or lack of fortune
could have good or bad effects
the impact of luck on life
two winners that one of them wins
which one can be predicted?
Luck is very complicated issue, it’s very hard to define it and most of the time it is confused with destiny. For some people there is no such thing as luck but others have strong believe in it. In my view, the events and occurrences of the world can be divided into two broad groups: group one are those things which are out of our control and are determined in advanced and are unpredictable and group two includes happenings which are predictable and under our control.
Thank you for your thorough reply! 👌
Some corrections: 👀
Luck is “a” very complicated issue.
it’s very hard to understand (omit “it”)
others have strong beliefs / faith in it.
he with reference to God ➡ He.
6. Do you think being a lucky person can define a prosperous life?
Such a thought-provoking question!
I guess it’s better to reword this question in the following way:
Do you think being a lucky person could be defined as having a prosperous life?
Yet this is the matter of preference.
Thank you.
Thank you sir
You’re most welcome. 🙂
5. What is the difference between hope and luck? Support your idea with specific seasons.
Thank you for your proper question. ❗
Did you mean ‘reasons’ instead of ‘seasons’? 😈
Yes, i did.
Alright then.
i ==> I
Hope is a positive desire and thought to achieve goals and wishes that is mental ability and associated with emotions but luck is an event that is part of destiny or fate recognizing as unpredictable favor that is beyond of our control to achieve hopes.
Such a fair and comprehensive reply! Thank you. 💡
As a matter of fact, I look at the same issue from another perspective. I contend that hope can lead to positive and constructive luck, if and only if it is supplemented with taking necessary actions incessantly. There are many other factors involved, such as a supportive environment. However, your attitude to life does genuinely matter.
The other point is that if your subconscious mind conceives that you are lucky, in reality YOU ARE. In order to convince your subconscious mind that you are lucky, you need to look on the bright side, take necessary actions, be optimistic, socialize with positive people, and have faith in yourself.
In short, I believe that luck doesn’t have any external reality. What it has is something that is technically referred to as ‘psychological reality’.
Beyond of our ==> beyond our …
4. Do you believe someone is jinx or bring you bad luck?
Rather terrifying! 👿 👺
… someone is a jinx or bringS you bad luck
3. Do you think it is beneficial to believe in luck? How?
Extraordinary question! We are so LUCKY that you are here! 😎
Thank you, it is kind of you.
I appreciate it.
In my point of view, there is not merit to believe in luck. Because, it will be like obstacle in your life. Believe in luck will decrease your ambitious and is in contrast with hard working. Thus, if we accept this fact that our destiny is just based on or decision, I think we can have happy life.
Thank you. 😎
It’s better to say: from my point of view
there is no merit to believe in luck, because …
it will be like ‘an’ obstacle
Believing in luck will …
ambitious ==> ambition
based on or decision ==> based on our decision
we can have a happy life.
From my point of view,if people who want to make a progress in their life face with some difficulties and hardships in their way which doesnt let them achieve what they have expected,they probably will shift a blame to luck or things that has brought them bad luck.
Thank you for the reply. We will discuss the points in the class.
make a progress ➡ make progress
2. What is luck and what is the difference between luck and the things which happen just accidentally?
Such a deep question, thanks a lot. 💡
Your welcome, thank you too.
It’s my pleasure.
I can’t get the point of this question. luck itself is as accident that we call it destiny therefore there isn’t any real event to compare with luck.
I wish we were able to use sticker too!
❓ You are right. Luck and accidental events seem to be interchangeable or semantically synonymous. So I’d like to request more clarification from the poser of the question. Thanks in advance.
😥 And about using stickers or emoticons, I just searched for that online, but unfortunately, this awesome comment form does not allow for any stickers, smileys or emoticons. Thanks for raising the point, though.
I personally use this table on the following page to use some emoticons:
thank you (pray)
I should thank you more. 😀
I think luck is seen as some thing which always happens in positive ways and brings happiness and has no negative effects (for whom that believe in luck). But the things which happen accidentally may have either positive or negative effects.
With all my respect to your idea, I guess the sheer concept of ‘luck’ is quite neutral. That is to say, a person could be both lucky and unlucky at the same time. 😕
some thing ==> something
for whom that believe in luck ==> for those who believe in luck (I think it’s better.)
I personally surmise that luck is simply nothing more than the confluence of your preparations and available opportunities.
luck puts us on the path and accident could happen in this way 🙂
Interesting simile!
Capitalize the first word of each sentence.
accident ➡ accidents
in this way ➡ on this way
1. Do you believe in luck? Bring reasons to support your claim.
I don’t believe in luck. There is no such a thing as good or bad luck. Luck is just Superstition and Superstition is based on beliefs, not facts. Some events maybe coincidentally had been occurred in past and people had elicited them and conveyed them from mouth to mouth without realizing any rational reason linking the events with each other.
Thank you for being so accurate about it. 😐
I just wonder why you capitalized “S” in superstition.
I’m glad you know and use some difficult words in your comments to make them your active lexicon.
again because of copy and paste :$
I see. 😉
No, I do not. Since, luck is consequence of some happens which are out of our control. In other words, our luck is based on others actions. For instance, when you have gain in stock market and your shares’ price go up suddenly, its not because of your luck, whereas its because of other investors decision and mistakes. So, its obvious that there is not any luck in world; its just illusions of mankind.
Thanks for your reply. 😐
No, I don’t, since luck is the consequence of some happenings which are…
based on other actions
you have a gain in the stock market and your shares price/cost goes up
its not ==> it’s not
whereas its ==> Instead, it’s because of
investors decision ==> investors’ decisions
I think luck and life are stick together, for example: the place where we born, the family where we born, …
Right. You are talking about some indispensable forces, such as place and date of our birth, etc., but I think our destiny is not merely restricted to these forces. According to Bill Gates, “if you are born poor, it’s not your fault, yet if you die poor, it’s definitely your fault.”
life and luck stick together
Capitalize the first work of each sentence.
the place where we are born
i think meny things depended to our thoght and environment and other things could help us about 10 percent
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Thank you for your reply. ?
i ➡ I
meny ➡ many
depend ==> on
I believe in luck! Аnd I think that you just need to listen to yourself and then the luck will inevitably overtake you. There are people who are absolutely always lucky. Some people must put a lot of effort to achieve something, but others do nothing to achieve the same. But I think that the main thing in the life not only to meet a luck but use correctly the chance which this luck gives you
Welcome back! 😀 ✍️
A luck or the luck??
the main thing in the life ➡ in life
the main thing in life “is” not only …
yes ,i believe in luck…but i cant bring some reasons..??
Welcome! 🙂
yes ➡ Yes
yes ,i ➡ Yes, I believe …
cant ➡ can’t