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The Swollen Fox by Aesop for English Students

The Swollen Fox by Aesop for English Students with Video and Vocabulary Practice

The Swollen Fox by Aesop for English students with a video, list of English vocabulary and some questions for discussion The Swollen Fox is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project. Video of the Swollen Fox Watch this video on YouTube. The Swollen Fox A hungry fox found in a hollow oak tree…

English Documentary on Titanic with Transcript

English Documentary on Titanic with Transcript and flashcards at LELB Society

English Documentary on Titanic with Transcript and flashcards inside the lesson to improve your listening and reading comprehension and enrich your academic vocabulary Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Watch this video on YouTube. The Titanic The turn of the 20th century saw a golden age of industry and prosperity in many Western countries. One aspect…

English Conversation on Luck and Fortune with Podcast

English Conversation on Luck - LELB Society

English Conversation on Luck English Conversation on Luck Selected Text Source: Wikipedia.org Luck is the concept that defines the experience of notably positive, negative, or improbable events. The naturalistic interpretation is that positive and negative events happen all the time in human lives, both due to random and non-random natural and artificial processes, and that even improbable events can happen…

English Presentation Horoscope and Astrology

English Presentations LELB Society

English Presentation Horoscope and Astrology English Presentation Horoscope and Astrology Watch this video on YouTube. How to Give a Significant Presentation Write the script of your Lecture: Noun1. a formal talk on a serious or specialist subject given to a group of people, especially students: We went to a lecture on Italian art. Who’s giving the lecture this…

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson English Short Stories

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson as a great American short story to practice reading comprehension, vocabulary with flashcards and listening with a podcast at LELB Society

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson The Lottery by Shirley Jackson The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the…

Distress 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 32

distress LELB Society

Distress 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 32 /dɪˈstres/ (noun & verb) Noun: anxiety and sadness, sorrow, pain, anguish, agony, wretchedness, mental suffering, misery, grief – danger or difficulty, trouble, hardship, misfortune Verb: to upset or disturb someone, agitate, worry, trouble, perturb, afflict, bother, torment, vex, annoy On 16 January 1838 a petition asking for help…

Disaster 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 28

disaster LELB Society

Disaster 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 28 /dɪˈzɑː.stəʳ/ (noun) severe harm, damage or death, serious difficulty, calamity, catastrophe, tragedy, cataclysm – misadventure, mishap, setback, misfortune, debacle, failure, fiasco, adversary Initial priorities for U.S. participation in the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, declared by the United Nations, are contained in this volume. It focuses on…

Tragedy – English Flashcard for Tragedy for IELTS

Tragedy | English Flashcard for Tragedy - LELB Society

Tragedy Tragedy (noun) /ˈtrædʒ.ə.di/ a very sad and painful event that involves death or suffering, or a play or literature that reflects suffering and sorrow, misfortune, disaster, calamity, heartbreak, catastrophe His miserable life has been a complete tragedy replete with suffering and wretchedness. Antonyms: comedy, joy Adjective: tragic Adverb: tragically

Misfortune – English Flashcard for Misfortune for IELTS

Misfortune English Flashcard LELB Society

Misfortune Misfortune (noun) /ˌmɪsˈfɔː.tʃuːn/ US /-ˈfɔːr.tʃən/ bad luck – ill luck – unlucky event, tribulation, misadventure, calamity, catastrophe, disaster I had the misfortune of selling my house at a low price when I desperately had to do so. Antonym: opportunity

Hardship 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 1

hardship LELB Society

Hardship 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 1 Hardship 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 1 /ˈhɑːd.ʃɪp/ (noun) difficulty or problem, plight, vicissitude, unpleasant condition, privation, severe suffering, poverty, destitution, deprivation, penury, austerity, misfortune, impecuniousness, misery, affliction, adversity, discomfort This report estimates the number of families who are not making ends meet. We examine the cost of…