Cassandra 601 Words You Need to Know

Cassandra 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Cassandra 601 Words You Need to Know /kəˈsændrə/ (noun) Definition ignored or disregarded prophet of doom, someone whose negative prophecy or warnings are ignored, calamity howler, worrywart, pessimist, a pessimist who prophesizes calamity or disaster but his prophecy or premonition is ignored, doomsayer, fatalist, doom-monger Example Cassandra, in Greek mythology, was the daughter of Priam,…

English Documentary on Tsunamis with Transcript

English Documentary on Tsunamis with transcript and flashcards at LELB Society to improve your listening and reading comprehension

asEnglish Documentary on Tsunamis with Transcript and illustrated flashcards to improve your reading and listening comprehension and enrich your academic vocabulary Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Watch this video on YouTube. What are tsunamis like? A tragic scene: entire cities flooded, entire towns inundated, an unending stream of floating debris, buildings, cars, people swept away…

Disaster 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 28

disaster LELB Society

Disaster 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 28 /dɪˈzɑː.stəʳ/ (noun) severe harm, damage or death, serious difficulty, calamity, catastrophe, tragedy, cataclysm – misadventure, mishap, setback, misfortune, debacle, failure, fiasco, adversary Initial priorities for U.S. participation in the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, declared by the United Nations, are contained in this volume. It focuses on…

Debacle 1100 Words You Need Week 35 Day 2

Debacle 1100 Words You Need Week 35 Day 2 Debacle 1100 Words You Need Week 35 Day 2 /deɪˈbɑː.kļ/ (noun) a complete failure, fiasco, an utter failure or disaster, catastrophe, mess, ruin, downfall, collapse, defeat, chaotic failure, tragedy, calamity, misfortune A financial crisis or debacle is any of a broad variety of situations in which…

Out of One’s Depth 1100 Words You Need Week 33 Day 4

Out of One's depth 1100 words you need to know week 33 day 4 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Out of One’s Depth 1100 Words You Need Week 33 Day 4 Out of One’s Depth 1100 Words You Need Week 33 Day 4 in a situation that is too difficult to handle, crisis, critical situation, in a situation beyond one’s capabilities, in water that is too deep to stand in, catastrophe, calamity, predicament, crunch,…

Misfortune – English Flashcard for Misfortune for IELTS

Misfortune English Flashcard LELB Society

Misfortune Misfortune (noun) /ˌmɪsˈfɔː.tʃuːn/ US /-ˈfɔːr.tʃən/ bad luck – ill luck – unlucky event, tribulation, misadventure, calamity, catastrophe, disaster I had the misfortune of selling my house at a low price when I desperately had to do so. Antonym: opportunity

Tragedy – English Flashcard for Tragedy for IELTS

Tragedy | English Flashcard for Tragedy - LELB Society

Tragedy Tragedy (noun) /ˈtrædʒ.ə.di/ a very sad and painful event that involves death or suffering, or a play or literature that reflects suffering and sorrow, misfortune, disaster, calamity, heartbreak, catastrophe His miserable life has been a complete tragedy replete with suffering and wretchedness. Antonyms: comedy, joy Adjective: tragic Adverb: tragically

Calamity – English Flashcard for Calamity for IELTS

Calamity | English Flashcard for Calamity - LELB Society

Calamity Calamity (noun) /kəˈlæm.ɪ.ti/ US /-ə.ţi/ a serious and disastrous situation or event – disaster – catastrophe – tragedy – mishap – misfortune: The miserable farmers with ruined crops cannot survive any other calamity.