Make Bricks without Straw 1100 Words You Need

Make Bricks without Straw 1100 Words

Make Bricks without Straw 1100 Words

to try to do something without having the essential building blocks of that tasks, to attempt to do something without the necessary materials to do that task:

You remember in the days of Moses that he went before Pharaoh. He took Aaron with him and demanded in the name of the Lord God Jehovah that Pharaoh let his people go. Pharaoh refused. He would not let them go—in fact, he disciplined them by taking away the straw from the bricks they were making. The tally of bricks remained the same, but the people had to go out into the fields and cut the stubble of what was left of the straw and try to mix it in.

As all of you know, straw is put into bricks and other kinds of mortar or similar materials to cause an adhesiveness to take place. Today I would like to use building bricks without straw as my theme. We live in a generation when many of our young people attempt to build bricks without straw. In Moses’ day straw was essential in making bricks that would not crumble and crack when a little bit of pressure was applied. We live in an unusual time and there is pressure being applied.


Farming isn’t like that. My refugees aren’t even doing enough work to meet the cost of their food; they can’t, even though they push themselves hard. My sons—and a daughter—are with the army and I’m back on the farm trying to make bricks without straw and Gert’s milking cows again until she has to put her hands in bowls of ice water for an hour before she can sleep, which I doubt your wife is.”

The book: Lord of Mountains

But we don’t often think about those first days as Moses confronted Pharaoh. Moses reluctantly answered God’s call, but when he ordered Pharaoh to “Let my people go,” the Egyptian monarch not only said no; he ordered the slaves to make bricks without straw —and they were furious at Moses! Moses faced many challenges to his leadership, from his people, his opponents, and his own self-doubt, but God strengthened him, and he persevered through the series of plagues inflicted on the hard-hearted Pharaoh and his people.

Source: The book: Steering Through Chaos: Mapping a Clear Direction for Your Faith

Farsi: سعی به انجام کاری بدون داشتن ابزار لازم انجام آن کار

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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